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Objects list

The Objects list within the platform provides an overview of all tracked assets, allowing users to monitor their assets efficiently.


Features of the Objects List

  • Groups: Objects can be organized into groups easier management. This organization can represent your company structure in terms of regional business units or groups of specialized vehicles.

  • Quick search: Use the quick search bar to find specific objects quickly by typing in their name or other identifying information such as Tagsor the IMEI.

  • Object visibility: Owners can see all the objects within the account organization. A user from the organization’s team can view only the objects they have created personally or those assigned by the owner.

Objects in the List

  • Object Label: Each object should be labeled for easy identification, showing the object’s name and any other relevant information.

  • Status Indicators: The dot on the right-hand of the object list shows the status of the device. For more information, see here.

  • Object Details:

    • Clicking on an object focuses the map on the object.

    • Clicking on the information icon (“i”) next to an object while hovering in the Navixy Object List displays a detailed view of the selected object.

    • Right-click menu (“⋮”): provides quick access to share the object’s location, change its icon, open alert rules, access device settings, and view reports related to the object.


i icon, and right-click menu

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