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Users and Roles

Managing movable assets in large organizations presents unique challenges, especially when dealing with multiple company units (e.g., regional divisions) and various roles (e.g. fleet managers, logisticians, accountants, drivers, etc). The complexity increases with the need to provide different access levels and permissions tailored to each role, ensuring that employees can perform their tasks efficiently without compromising sensitive data.

Navixy addresses these challenges by offering tools that allow organizations to integrate multiple users, assign specific roles, and control access to the organization’s data.

User Administration

The hierarchy of accounts within Navixy includes the Owner and Users. The Owner has the ability to limit the operations available to Users, ensuring that each User has access only to the tools and data necessary for their role.

Role Management

User roles in Navixy allow you to define different access levels and permissions for users based on their roles within the organization. These roles determine what actions users can perform and which data they can view and modify within the system. This customization ensures that employees have the appropriate level of access needed to perform their tasks without compromising security.

Limiting User Access to Relevant Information

In organizations with multiple divisions (e.g. business units operating in different regions), controlling access to information is crucial. Navixy enables you to grant user access to specific assets only. This means that users from one business unit can access information related only to the assets that pertain to their division, ensuring that sensitive data is protected and users can focus on relevant information.

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