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Video monitoring

The Navixy platform provides a comprehensive suite of video functionalities designed to enhance vehicle telematics systems, such as Mobile Digital Video Recorders (MDVRs) and dashcams. This feature set allows offers the essential capabilities for fleet managers seeking to improve safety, security, and operational efficiency:

  1. Live stream monitoring
    Allows real-time video monitoring from cameras, providing immediate visibility into current vehicle and driver activities.

  2. Video playback
    Enables you to access and review past video recordings stored on the device or in the cloud, useful for analyzing previous events and activities.

  3. Event-triggered video recording
    Captures and stores video footage automatically when specific events occur, such as accidents or harsh driving incidents, helping to understand the causes and context of these events.

By utilizing Navixy's video functionalities, organizations can monitor driver behavior, investigate incidents, and ensure compliance with company policies and regulations.

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