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Video playback

The playback feature in Navixy allows you to review historical video footage stored on your device or the platform. This is essential for analyzing past events, monitoring driver behavior, and investigating incidents.

To utilize the playback feature in Navixy, follow these steps:

  1. Access the video module: Navigate to the video module by clicking on the video button.

  2. Select the date: Open the date selection menu to choose the date for the video you want to review. The date selection interface will show:

    • Gray dot: Information is stored in the device's memory. To view the footage, the system needs to upload it from the device to the cloud. This is done while you review the video.

    • Blue dot: Information is already stored in the cloud and can be played immediately.

    • No dot: No video is available for that day.

  3. Pick a day and time: Select the desired day. You will then see a timeline for selecting specific hours to view the video.

  4. Select video fragments: After choosing the time, a fragment line will appear. Select the necessary video fragments for playback. Be mindful of data usage when downloading fragments from the device to the cloud.

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