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Event-triggered video recording

Event-triggered videos enable you to see what happened before and during a significant event. This functionality helps you understand the cause of incidents, such as accidents or harsh driving events, by providing visual context. This feature is available only on devices supporting such functionality.

Accessing event videos:

  1. Event list: After an event occurs, a video icon will appear in the event list

  2. Events history: Alternatively, you can find your event in the events history.

Viewing event videos: Click on the video icon to watch the event video.

Player controls:

  • Start / Pause: Start or pause the video playback.

  • Restart: Reset the playback time for all channels.

  • Audio: Adjust the volume and toggle the audio on/off.

  • Download: Click the dots on the right to download the video.

While an event video is playing, you will see the device's movement on the right side of the video module, providing a comprehensive view of the event's context.

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