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Checking service statuses

This section will describe general procedure to follow and things to check when troubleshooting Navixy platform issues. It covers basic troubleshooting of Java services, Web server and Database server. Knowing how to check and restart the services will help you understand the cause of the problem and help you solve the problem more precisely.

It is recommended that you first review the information on System Components page to be aware of configuration and service log file locations.

Java services


On Linux, Navixy utilizes systemd, which is included in the most common Linux distros, and is an alternative to traditional init.d scripts. Previously runit was used for the same purpose, but it is now deprecated.

To check Navixy Java services statuses, use the following commands:

systemctl status api-server
systemctl status sms-server
systemctl status tcp-server

When everything works normally, the output for each command must show the active (running) status, along with the current uptime, amount of memory used, and other technical information. For example, the normal API-server output looks like this:

● api-server.service - Navixy API Server
     Loaded: loaded (/home/java/api-server/api-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Thu 2023-08-10 08:44:31 UTC; 1 weeks 5 days ago
   Main PID: 3666212 (java)
      Tasks: 277 (limit: 37888)
     Memory: 2.2G
        CPU: 13h 8min 11.334s

It will also show the latest service log entries, which can be extremely useful for troubleshooting purposes.

When any of the services is down, the command will return inactive (dead) status. Example:

○ api-server.service - Navixy API Server
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/api-server.service; enabled; vendor pr>
     Active: inactive (dead) since Tue 2023-08-22 13:59:59 UTC; 3s ago
    Process: 1002 ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/java/api-server/bin/ >
   Main PID: 1002 (code=exited, status=143)
        CPU: 15.664s

In this case, you need to look into the logs of the non-working service. By default, all logs are located in the /home/java/<service_name>/log/ directory.

If a service fails to start, there will usually be associated errors in the logs. Try checking the information before Server stopped entry or any recent entries starting with WARN or ERROR. You can also try restarting the service and check what new entries appear using the command tail -f log.txt.

For information on restarting services, check the corresponding page: Restarting instance - Linux.


On Windows, the Navixy Java services are installed as regular Windows NT services. To access the services, open the services.msc snap-in, and you will find three Navixy services in the list:

Checking service statuses - Windows

Services must have a Running status. If this is not the case for any of the services, try starting it and see if it starts working fine. If the service crashes, then the reason should be looked for in the logs. The standard location of the logs is C:\java\<service_name>\log\. If a service fails to start, there will usually be associated errors in the logs. Try checking the information before Server stopped entry or any recent entries starting with WARN or ERROR. It is recommended to use some advanced text editors like Notepad++ or Sublime Text to review logs. A standard Notepad generally fails to work with big text files.

For information on restarting services, check the corresponding page: Restarting instance - Windows.

Web server

If Java services are running, but you still can't get access to the interface, you should check if Nginx web server is running.


On Linux instance, check Nginx status with the following command:

/etc/init.d/nginx status

The output must show active (running) status, along with the current uptime, amount of memory used, other technical information, and the latest Nginx log entries.

If the service has an inactive (dead) status, try running it with theis command:

/etc/init.d/nginx start

Make sure that Nginx has started and is running normally, and if not, check for possible errors in its log.


On Windows, Nginx is not a service but just a small application running in the background. To check if it is launched, open the Task manager (Details tab) and look for nginx.exe processes - there are usually two or more of them.

Checking Nginx status - Windows

If you cannot find nginx.exe in the list, try running its executive file from C:\nginx manually or with the following commands in CMD:

cd /nginx
start nginx

If Nginx is up but you still can't access the platform, refer to admin panel or user interface respective troubleshooting guides.


If you suspect problems with connection to the database (or have found relevant information in service logs), you need to check its state. Navixy uses MySQL DBMS, so first of all make sure that MySQL server is up and running. On Linux, use the following comand:

/etc/init.d/mysql status

On Windows, check that MySQL has a Running status in services.msc snap-in.

If DBMS is running but you still have database connection errors in the logs, try connecting to MySQL with the same account as Java services. For example, open /home/java/api-server/conf/ file, get database login and password from there, and use them to connect to MySQL from the shell:

mysql -u<username> -p<password> google

Ensure other Java services can connect too.

If your database is hosted on a separate server, make sure the connection to it is available on the default MySQL port 3306 (or a custom port if the installation was made this way - check file of any of the Java services).

If you see errors in the logs that are related not to database accessibility, but to the execution of certain SQL queries, please report it to tech support. Such problems are generally too complicated to solve on your own.

Contact technical support

Steps shown above are very basic to perform the platform check. If you can't fix the issue, please contact us at, and describe the issue in detail, providing logs and all the other valuable information that you have. We'll do our best to help.

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