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This page presents definitions of special/application terms used in Navixy IoT Logic.


An attribute is a specific piece of information utilized within an IoT Logic or in other words - this is a parameter, inside the flow. Essentially, it can be viewed as an assistant within the IoT Logic that aids in handling device data.

Data Warehouse

Data Warehouse is a centralised repository that stores raw parsed data from trackers, sensors, and IoT devices, which enables partners and integrators to perform diagnostics and troubleshooting.


A flow refers to a sequence of data processing created within the IoT Logic's visual editor. The endpoint of this process typically involves transmitting the enhanced and processed data - now ready for utilization -to a third-party service. To put it simply, a flow encapsulates all processes from data receipt, preprocessing, enrichment, calculations, and ultimately, data dispatch.

Log dumps

Log dumps are records of binary or textual data packets (messages) received by the server in their original format, complete with time stamps. These packets remain untouched by the server—they arrive at the IoT Logic exactly as they were transmitted by the device.


A node is an individual module within the IoT Logic visual tool, designed with inherent logic and functionality. It serves as a primary component of the IoT Logic flow - a segment of the flow where you can select the required processing logic for attributes.

Parsed raw data

Parsed raw data is the outcome following the decoding (parsing) of incoming data packets, considering the protocol and specificities of the originating device model. Post-decoding, the packet is stored as universal platform parameters (such as latitude, longitude, can_fuel_liters, etc.) within the flow. In essence, it's the result of preprocessing the log dumps.


A parameter is a metric that represents a characteristic of a device, telematics, or another system. It is transmitted by the device or another data source and decoded (parsed) by the IoT Logic.

In essence, a parameter is the result of converting protocol-related data from a data packet into a distinct unit of information. This transformed information is then stored in accordance with universally accepted platform definitions.

To illustrate, consider a device sending a data packet. This packet contains multiple different parameters such as timestamp, location, sensor data, and so on. After undergoing a preprocessing stage, the data derived from these parameters will be stored under labels like latitude, longitude, sensor_1, sensor_2, and so forth. They are parameters.


Preprocessing refers to the transformation of decoded data, taking into account features specific to the device model (coefficients for accurate values, mapping of inputs and outputs) and the settings of a specific device. In other words, it's the process where the IoT Logic converts protocol-related data—provided by a device and preserved in log dumps—into parsed raw data.

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