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Places (POIs)


Places, also known as Points of Interest (POI), are an essential feature of fleet management and GPS asset tracking. Organizations can create a detailed list of Places, including key locations like offices and warehouses, as well as numerous sites crucial for logistics operations. Places improve operational efficiency by tracking visits, optimizing route planning, and streamlining task assignments for field employees.


Practical uses of Places

  • Finding objects: Quickly locate objects by typing the Place name or tag.

  • Creating routes and geofences: Use Places to establish routes and draw geofences.

  • Assigning tasks: Simplify task assignment by using Place names instead of full addresses.

Creating and editing places

To access the Place tool, click the POI icon in the toolbar on the right upper side of the map.

Create places

When creating or editing a Place, you can specify the following details:

  • Label: Assign a name for easy identification, such as "Office" or "Warehouse."

  • Icon: Choose from a library of icons or upload your own.

  • Address: Enter the address manually or select it on the map.

  • Radius: Define the Place's radius to determine its area of influence.

  • Tags: Add tags for better organization and easier searching.

  • Description: Include any additional information about the Place.

View place details

By clicking the "i" icon next to a Place, you can view detailed information, including recent events associated with the Place.

Edit places

To edit a Place, click the edit icon. You can customize the following elements:

  • Label: Change the name for identification.

  • Tags: Modify tags for better organization.

  • Location: Update the geographic address.

  • Radius: Adjust the radius for circular Places.

  • Color: Change the color for better visualization on the map.

Importing Places from Excel file

When you need to add a large number of Places quickly, use the import from Excel file.

  1. Access the Place tool: Choose the "POI" tool.

  2. Import places: Click on the "Import POI" button.

  3. Download example file: Download the provided Excel file example.

  4. Fill in details: Enter information such as Name, Address, Latitude, Longitude, and Radius.

  5. Upload file: Save the file on your computer, then click "Select" in the Place Import window and find your file.

  6. Verify data: After clicking "Next," verify the column names and correct any mismatches.

  7. Complete import: Ensure all data is correct, then proceed. Your Places will appear in the list.

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