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This section provides detailed technical documentation on Navixy On-Premise platform update with different installation types. The instructions should be selected according to the operating system used (Linux/Windows).

Update delivery

Navixy On-Premise platform version is updated several times per year, and software updates are included in the subscription fee. This gives administrators the option of upgrading to the latest version of Navixy or continuing to use the version currently installed.

The platform is not kept constantly up-to-date and does not receive the updates automatically. At the same time, customers can receive a new version of the platform on demand from Navixy technical support. Additionally, the latest build of the platform is always available for download at the direct link:

⬇️ Download Navixy platform distribution package

The platform updates include brand-new functionality and improvements to previously existing features, as well as known bug fixes. This ensures that customers always have access to the latest features and technologies offered by Navixy.

If you are interested in receiving a specific innovation, fix or improvement in a new Navixy On-Premise build, you can request this information from technical support before performing the update. Some implementations may be available later than they appear on the Navixy cloud platform.

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