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Service logs storage settings

By default, log storage is configured as follows:

  • Logs are stored in the conf directory inside the directory of each of the backend services.

  • Logs are stored as plain text in txt files.

  • Logs are stored for one week, then they are rotated and the old ones are deleted.

All of three backend Java services have their own logs. The above parameters can be changed if necessary. They are set in the logback.xml file of each service. You can find this file in a conf directories of services:

  • Linux: /home/java/{service-name}/conf/logback.xml

  • Windows: C:\java\{service-name}\conf\logback.xml

Since such file is contained in each of the service directories, the settings below must be applied separately for each of the files.

The settings can be applied individually or in any combination. Select the desired settings depending on your purposes.

Logs location

By default, logs are stored in the services folders in the log subdirectory, but for whatever reason you may want to store them separately in a custom directory.

To configure this, open the logback.xml file and find the following lines:



Change the log/ entry to the absolute path to your custom logs directory.

For example, if the directory is /my/directory/for/logs/, then the lines must look this way:



Save the file and restart the platform to apply changes. From now on, the logs will be recorded to the custom directory.

Logs archiving

On instances with a large number of devices (when there are more than several thousand of them), backend services logs can occupy a significant amount of disk space. Archiving logs from previous days can be a great solution for saving disk space.

Find the following line in logback.xml file:


Add .gz after log, so the line looks like this:


Save the file and restart the platform to apply changes. Now, the log files for previous days will be compressed to .gz archives, consuming far less disk space than plain text files. However, the current day's log.txt file will still be uncompressed since it keeps being filled by the platform.

Logs life span

The default life span of logs is 7 days. In most cases this is sufficient for any troubleshooting. However, you may want to keep logs for a longer period or, alternatively, shorten it. Remember: the longer logs are stored, the more disk space they consume, so handle this value with care.

To change logs ife span, find he following line in logback.xml file:


Change 7 to any desired value (in days).

Save the file and restart the platform to apply changes.

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