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Vibration sensor


A vibration sensor, also known as a shake sensor, relies on a device's built-in accelerometer to detect continuous vibration or movement, typically when a vehicle is parked. This rule is designed to trigger alerts or notifications when unusual or continuous vibrations are detected, signaling potential unauthorized activity or disturbances. The sensor's sensitivity settings can be adjusted according to the user’s needs, depending on the device's configuration.

This rule is particularly useful in various applications, such as construction companies safeguarding their parked vehicles. Continuous vibrations could indicate unauthorized access or attempted theft. The alerts generated by this rule enable businesses to respond promptly, reducing the risk of vehicle theft, minimizing potential damages, and limiting losses.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of this rule depends on the hardware and configuration of the GPS tracker. All scenarios related to vibration detection must be configured within the tracker’s environment. For instance, some trackers offer configuration options, such as ignition status or movement timeout.

Rule settings

This rule is entirely dependent on the device's capabilities and hardware configuration. There are no specific settings to configure within the rule itself.

For common settings, please refer to Rules and Notifications.

System operation details

  • Reset timer: The "Vibration sensor" alert has a 1-minute reset timer, meaning the alert will not trigger more than once every minute. If an event occurs while the rule is waiting for the reset, the platform will omit the event, including in reports.

  • Multiple devices: Users can select multiple trackers to receive notifications from this rule, provided the trackers support vibration sensor events and the feature is integrated into the platform.

  • GPS-independent event alert: If the platform receives a vibration event from a tracker without valid GPS coordinates, the event is still counted as valid and displayed, regardless of whether it occurred inside or outside a geofence. The logic of the Inside/Outside radio buttons is ignored in this case, as it is better to show a potentially critical event than to omit it.

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