Task assignment
This feature simplifies work and communication with your employees. Now you can remotely assign tasks to your employees.
The application will automatically notify the employee about adding new and changing existing tasks. For example, if you suddenly change the delivery address, you don’t have to call the courier, you can just update the task on the platform and the information will be instantly sent to the employee’s phone. At the same time, the employee will know for sure that his working status is visible on the platform, and the arrival time will be recorded automatically.
Push-notifications about new tasks and changing task’s status
When a manager assigns a new task or edits an already assigned one, a remote employee receives a push-notification on the smartphone or tablet.
The system also notifies the employee’s arrival to the task place and the process status, e.g. “accomplished”, “failed” or “overdue”. The notifications are accompanied by a sound signal or vibration.

Detailed tasks description and a mark on the map
Employees can click on a new task notification and see the detailed information about it:
Status (for example, “scheduled”)
Task address
Route to the place and a direction based on the current location of the remote worker
Execution time and the minimum possible delay
Additional information on the task
Tap on an icon next to the task address and the system will get you the direction from the current location to the task point with the following programs:
Google Maps
Yandex Navi

A tasks list on employee’s screen
Choose the Tasks tab in the Tracker app to see the whole To-Do list. Each task has its process status: “assigned”, “overdue”, “completed” etc.
Tap on an icon next to the task address and the system will get you the direction from the current location to the task point.

Sorting by distance, time and status
It is also possible to sort the list of tasks alphabetically, by time or by distance from a performer. You should just choose the desired feature in the settings.

You may sort tasks by statuses: finished, unfinished or with any status