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State field value


In telematics, a state field represents the current status of a specific vehicle component or system, such as whether a door is open or closed, the handbrake is engaged, or an airbag is deployed. It provides real-time data on these elements, enabling monitoring and alerts based on changes in their state.

The "State field value" rule is designed to utilize this data by monitoring specific state fields and triggering alerts when predefined conditions are met. This rule is essential for keeping users informed about critical events, such as when a door is unexpectedly opened, the handbrake is released, or an advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) is activated.

For example:

  • If a vehicle’s airbag deploys, the state field for the airbag will change, prompting the rule to send an alert.

  • If a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) is detected, the system can instantly notify the user, enabling prompt maintenance action.

By using this rule, organizations can enhance safety, improve security, and streamline maintenance processes through real-time notifications and detailed event reports.

Rule settings


State field

Specify the field to be monitored (e.g., Trunk). Set the expected value (e.g., Opened) to trigger a notification when the condition is met. The "Allow repeat" option controls how frequently the same event will trigger notifications.

Expected value

Choose the value that the state field must match to trigger a notification (e.g., Opened/Closed). For special events, such as a hardware key or event code, enter the specific value provided by the device manufacturer.


In the following example, if a hardware key has a custom value, such as A1DD3FC3452904D, the platform will monitor for this specific value in the hardware_key field and notify the user when it is detected.


Allow repeat

  • Unselected: The event triggers only when the state changes to the expected value after a different value has been received.

  • Selected: The event triggers each time the expected value is received, but not more frequently than the "Repeat delay" allows.

Repeat delay

Set the reset timer in seconds to control how often the event can trigger notifications. For example, setting it to 1800 seconds limits notifications to once every 30 minutes.

Example — How the "Allow repeat" option works

When "Allow repeat" is Unselected:

If the "Allow Repeat" option is unselected, the event will only be triggered again if a different value is received before the expected value arrives again in a new data packet. Here’s how it works:

  • 09:00 AM: The last received key is A1DD3FC3452904D.

  • 09:15 AM: The platform receives another data packet with the same hardware key value (A1DD3FC3452904D). No notification is triggered because it's the same value as before.

  • 09:20 AM: A new hardware key value, B99978233FDD1, is received. No notification is generated because this value is not expected. However, the system is now primed to trigger a notification if the original expected key (A1DD3FC3452904D) arrives again.

  • 09:30 AM: The platform receives the hardware key value A1DD3FC3452904D again. This time, a notification is triggered because a different value was received in between.

In short, notifications are only triggered when the expected value arrives after a different value has been received.

When "Allow repeat" is Selected:

If the "Allow repeat" option is selected, the event will trigger every time the expected value is received, within the constraints of the "Repeat Delay" timer:

  • 09:00 AM: The last received key is A1DD3FC3452904D.

  • 09:15 AM: The platform receives another data packet with the same hardware key value (A1DD3FC3452904D). A notification is triggered.

  • 09:25 AM: The platform receives the same hardware key value again (A1DD3FC3452904D). Another notification is triggered.

  • 09:34 AM: A new hardware key value, B99978233FDD1, is received. No notification is triggered because this value is not expected.

  • 09:45 AM: The platform receives the hardware key value A1DD3FC3452904D again. A notification is triggered.

In short, with "Allow repeat" selected, notifications are triggered every time the expected value is received, but not more often than allowed by the "Repeat Delay" timer.

Note: If "Allow repeat" is selected, the event will only trigger as often as the "Repeat delay" timer allows. For this rule type, the default reset timer is 5 minutes, but this can be adjusted using the "Repeat delay" field.

For common settings, please refer to Rules and notifications.

System operation details

  • Virtual sensors availabilty. Users can also select virtual sensors as data sources in the state field rule. This allows for customized notifications and reports based on virtual sensor data, enabling more tailored monitoring and management of critical events.

  • Reset timer: The "State Field Value" alert has a default reset timer of 5 minutes, meaning the event will not trigger more frequently than once every 5 minutes.

  • Single device support: Each rule applies to one device only, as different state fields cannot be cross-referenced across multiple trackers.

  • GPS-independent processing: The platform processes and displays state field events even if GPS data is missing, ensuring that important events are not overlooked due to location issues.

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