In the "Places" section, you will see a list of places for which the employee using the X-GPS Tracker application has been assigned.
For a POI to be displayed in this section, the following conditions must match:
The place must have a custom field "Employee"
This field must have the "Assignee" parameter enabled
Current employee must be specified in this field.
The tracker must be linked to the employee in the "Staff" section
The list shows the icon, name, address and distance to the place. Also, in the list you can search and sort available places (alphabetically and by distance).
The list of available POIs is updated every time an employee opens this section, or when he enables tracking.

To get detailed information about a place, just tap on it.
After that, a new window will open with the location on the map and a complete list of all fields - standard and custom.
To see all the fields, just swipe up.
To the right of the address is a button, clicking on which automatically opens an external navigation application and calculates the optimal route.
Fields with e-mail address and phone number are clickable - clicking on them will allow you to instantly make a call, or start writing a message.