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Passenger counter (Galileosky)

Galileosky devices, when integrated with PP-01 passenger flow sensors, provide a robust solution for counting the number of passengers entering and exiting public transportation vehicles. This integration leverages Galileosky’s Easy Logic technology, enabling advanced data collection and analysis, which can be monitored through the Navixy platform.

Example use case

Imagine a city bus operator who needs to track the number of passengers for optimizing routes and improving service efficiency. By integrating Galileosky devices with PP-01 sensors and using Navixy’s platform, the operator can accurately monitor passenger flow, analyze trends, and make informed decisions about route adjustments and service improvements.

Key features and benefits

  • Passenger counting: The PP-01 sensor connected to the Galileosky device allows accurate counting of passengers entering and exiting the vehicle.

  • Event-based data logging: Data can be logged based on specific events such as the opening or closing of doors, ensuring that passenger data is recorded only during relevant times.

  • Cumulative data recording: The system can also be configured to log cumulative passenger data, providing a running total of passengers throughout the trip.

Integration steps

  1. Connect the PP-01 Sensor:

    • The PP-01 sensor connects to the Galileosky device via the RS485 interface. Ensure proper connection following the wiring instructions provided.

    • Configure the RS485 interface with the following parameters:

      • Speed: 19200 bits/s

      • Data bits: 8

      • Stop bit: 1

  2. Configure the PP-01 Sensor:

    • Connect the PP-01 sensor to a PC using an RS485-USB adapter.

    • Use the PP-01 Configuration Utility to set up the sensor. Adjust the sensor’s address as needed, choosing from the range of 1 to 8.

    • Use the Galileosky Configurator to load the appropriate Easy Logic script depending on your chosen mode (event-based or cumulative recording).

    • Ensure that the script is successfully uploaded and configured on the Galileosky device.

  3. Integration with Navixy:

    • In the Navixy platform, navigate to the "Devices and Settings" section and go to "Sensors and Buttons."

    • Create a new measurement sensor and select the input corresponding to the user tag from the Galileosky device.

    • Map the data from the PP-01 sensor to the Navixy platform, ensuring correct correspondence between the sensor data and the Navixy interface.

Monitoring and reporting

  • Realtime view. Once integrated, the passenger data can be monitored in real-time using the "Sensor readings" widget within Device information widgets.

  • Reports. You can also generate detailed Reports that include passenger count data, allowing for comprehensive analysis and insights into passenger flow.

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