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Parking detection widget

Parking detection identifies when an object has been stationary for a specified time period and within a set speed threshold, using GPS data.


Parameters for parking detection:

  • Minimum idle detection time (min_parking): This is the minimum amount of time that an object must remain stationary before it is considered parked.

  • Maximum idle speed (min_speed): This is the speed threshold under which the object must stay to be detected as parked.

By default, these parameters are set to 5 minutes and 3 km/h, respectively.

Parking detection conditions:

  • By speed and time:
    Parking status is detected when the object's speed drops below the defined min_speed and stays there for longer than min_parking. Stops shorter than min_parking are not considered as parking and will not interrupt the trip.

  • Considering ignition:

    • The trip starts if the speed is greater than or equal to min_speed and the ignition is on.

    • The trip ends if the speed drops below min_speed and either the elapsed time exceeds min_parking or the ignition is off.

  • Considering motion sensor:

    • The trip starts if the speed is greater than or equal to min_speed and the motion sensor detects movement.

    • The trip ends if the speed drops below min_speed or the motion sensor detects no movement, and the elapsed time exceeds min_parking.

  • Considering both motion and ignition:

    • The ignition status takes precedence over the motion sensor.

    • The trip starts if the speed is greater than or equal to min_speed, and both the motion sensor detects movement and the ignition is on.

    • The trip ends if the speed drops below min_speed or the motion sensor detects no movement, and the elapsed time exceeds min_parking with the ignition off.

These settings allow for fine-tuning parking detection to accurately reflect the vehicle's real-world behavior, minimizing false detections and improving trip tracking accuracy.

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