Field service
The Field Service application in Navixy allows managers and dispatchers to efficiently manage and monitor their mobile workforce. Through the application, tasks can be assigned to employees, tracked for completion, and analyzed for performance, making it an essential tool for optimizing field operations.
Key features
Task management: Tasks can be directives to visit specific locations at scheduled dates and times, with actions to be performed or deliveries to be made. Tasks are assigned to employees, and their progress is monitored to ensure timely completion.
Performance tracking: The system tracks the status of tasks, including whether they were completed, failed, or delayed. It also records how much time an employee spent on a particular task, providing insights into staff productivity.
Flexible viewing options:
Interactive table: Tasks are listed in a table format for quick reference.
Map view: Visualize tasks and their locations on a map.
Timeline: Tasks can be scheduled and viewed in a timeline format.
Team sorting: Sort tasks by team members to view workload distribution.
Productivity chart: Gain an overview of team productivity with visual charts.
Customization and workflow
Tasks can be customized for different workflows across various industries. Users can select date and time ranges to view tasks that are completed, planned, or in progress. Sorting options include status, employee, location, or custom tags, enabling a tailored task management experience.
Task creation
Creating tasks is straightforward:
Single Task: Simply double-click on the map or timeline to create a new task.
Recurring Tasks: Set up tasks that repeat at specified intervals to streamline recurring activities.
Business efficiency
The Field service application is designed to support business-oriented task management. It allows flexible configuration of tasks to suit different industries, ensuring that field operations are aligned with business goals.