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The "Departments" section in the Fleet management application allows you to organize and manage your fleet by categorizing drivers into specific departments. This structure aids in efficient fleet management, enabling better control over operations, reporting, and task assignments.

Managing departments

In the "Departments" tab, you can view a list of all departments within your organization. Each department can be associated with specific drivers and vehicles, allowing you to streamline operations and enhance organizational efficiency.

Adding a new department

To add a new department:

  1. Click the Add department button.

  2. A form will appear where you can enter the department's name and address.

  3. Fill in the required information, and click Save to create the department.

Once created, departments can be linked with drivers, allowing for easy management and assignment of tasks based on department structure. This feature is particularly useful for larger organizations with multiple operational areas, such as delivery, sales, or service departments.

Department profiles

Each department profile includes key details such as:

  • Label: The name of the department.

  • Address: The location of the department.

These details help in organizing and coordinating the activities of different departments, ensuring that tasks are assigned and completed efficiently.

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