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PaaS vs. On-Premise

Each of the two Navixy deployment options has its advantages, so choosing the one that best suits your project depends on your specific requirements:




PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) deployment is the most popular option that provides hassle-free, scalable solution. With PaaS deployment, the software is hosted on Navixy's global cloud infrastructure. Customers don't have to worry about server maintenance or upgrades, and always get the most up-to-date software version. This option is ideal for businesses that need to quickly scale their operations or don't have the resources to maintain their own servers.


On-Premise deployment is the most flexible option, as it allows customers to install Navixy on their own physical or cloud servers. With On-Premise deployment, customers have full control over their server hardware and software, and can customize the system to meet their specific requirements. This deployment option is well-suited for businesses that require complete control over their Navixy system, have unique customization needs, or enforce strict data security policies.

Please refer to the following table for a better understanding of the differences between the two deployment options:




Trial period

14 days

Coordinated with account manager

Software version

Always up to date

The most recent version is installed on initial deployment. Major updates are released from four to six times a year


Not required (the instance gets updates automatically)

Performed by partner or customer


Navixy's global cloud infrastructure that runs on AWS and several other regional IaaS providers

On physical servers locally at client site or on virtual servers in any data center, either local or cloud


Not required (the instance becomes available momentarily)

Performed by partner or customer

SSL encryption

Two options:

  • Free LetsEncrypt certificates - issued and updated by Navixy

  • Customer's own certificates - installed by Navixy

Two options:

  • Free LetsEncrypt certificates - issued and updated by server administrator

  • Customer's own certificates - installed by the customer or partner

Data security

Managed by Navixy

Managed by the customer or partner

Data retention

Up to 3 years

Dependent on disk space. No actual limits from the platform side.

Database access

Not available

Full access

Server maintenance (availability, scalability and backups)

Managed by Navixy and its global cloud infrastructure partners

Managed by the partner or customer and their chosen IaaS or Datacenter providers

Technical support

The Navixy support team has access to all system tools, enabling them to diagnose and resolve issues quickly and with minimal delays, while also minimizing interactions with customers

The Navixy team provides consultative assistance and can request logs and configuration files for further analysis. However, the Navixy support specialists do not directly connect to the customer servers. Any hardware or third-party software issues are resolved by the customer or partner.

Platform configuration

Managed by Navixy

Managed by the customer or partner

3rd party services (connectivity, maps, apps)

Customer provides credentials and the Navixy team activates the functionality on the platform

Customer provides credentials and the Navixy team provides instructions and consultative assistance


Available on Navixy domain or customer’s own domain

Available on customer’s own domain

Video telematics

Video streaming and storage are handled by Navixy and its vendor partners' infrastructure.

Currently not provided

Data WareHouse
(raw data storage)

Provided by Navixy

Currently not provided

Eco Fleet

Provided by Navixy

Currently not provided

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