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Navixy IoT Logic

The Navixy IoT Logic is a key component of the Navixy platform designed to act as an interface between IoT devices and applications. Its main function is to facilitate real-time data exchange in both directions: from IoT devices to the Navixy platform (via Navixy DeviceLink) and from the Navixy platform to internal and external applications (via Navixy AppLink).

The Gateway leverages multiple protocols including MQTT, UDP, TCP, HTTP, and potentially Kafka for communication, and employs JSON for a unified data format. It emphasizes scalability and reliability, equipped to handle a high volume of data from numerous devices and relay this information to a multitude of applications concurrently.

For device configuration and management, the Gateway supports programmable scenarios and macros, as well as an AirConsole for manual configuration and testing. The Navixy IoT Logic, thus, plays a pivotal role in orchestrating the interaction between IoT devices and applications within the Navixy ecosystem.

The Navixy IoT Logic underscores scalability and reliability. It is designed to manage a high volume of data from numerous devices and relay this information to a multitude of applications concurrently. Additionally, it ensures dependable data transmission by incorporating built-in mechanisms to address network issues, device unavailability, and more.

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